There are 7 Councillors elected every 4 years. As required by the Transparency Code, there are no Councillor or Member responsibilities.
Councillors elected and co-opted in. The Dry Doddington and Westborough Parish Council is made up of 7 elected members - comprising a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and 5 members - who work for the benefit of the community and all local residents. The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to detailed audits.
The Council has one part time employee – a Clerk.
Meetings of the Dry Doddington and Westborough Parish Council are held 5 times a year, usually on the first Thursday of the month. Meetings commence at 7.30pm and alternate between Westborough and Dry Doddington Village Halls. In addition each village has an Annual Parish meeting, usually in April or May.   
Residents may attend full council meetings and can speak briefly on village matters at the commencement of the meeting in Parishioners Items.
All enquiries about this website or content, please contact the Dry Doddington and Westborough Parish Clerk at