Westborough and Dry Doddington Parish Council meetings

The council meets 5 times a year, usually at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of the month. Meetings alternate between Westborough and Dry Doddington Village Halls. In addition each village has an Annual Parish meeting, usually in April or May of each year. 

Thurdsay 30 January 2025 - Dry Doddington Village Hall, 7.30pm

Thursday 12 March 2025 - Westborough Village  Hall, 7.30pm

Thurdsay 8 May 2025 - Dry Doddington Village Hall, 7.30pm

Thursday 10 July 2025 - Westborough Village  Hall, 7.30pm

Thurdsay 9 October 2025 - Dry Doddington Village Hall, 7.30pm

Thursday 8 January 2025 - Westborough Village  Hall, 7.30pm




You can view the agenda for the next meeting below:

You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Full Council which will be held on Thursday, 30 January 2025 commencing at 7.30pm at Dry Doddington Village Hall Main St, Dry Doddington, Newark NG23 5HU

The business of the meeting is set out in the agenda below.

Clerk's signature

Belina Boyer

Parish Clerk/RFO

Agenda no             Agenda item title


          Public Forum: to receive questions and comments from residents of the village on any matter relating to items on this agenda. (15 minutes maximum)

25-1   To note apologies for absence.

25-2   To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk

25-3   To receive the minutes of the previous Full Council Meeting and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s).

a)       Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 10 October 2024

25-4   To formally approve the appointment of the new Parish Clerk/RFO effective from 01 January 2025

25-5   To consider the mowing requirements for the parish:

a)       to resolve to accept LCC Highways mowing scheme for 2025 for 3 cuts, payment rate tbc and note that this is a rolling contract.

b)       to review parish mowing contracts and agree action needed

25-6   To consider the arrangements for the annual litter pick and agree the date, time and any actions required. Furthermore, to approve any related expenditure.

25-7   Financial Matters:

a)       To consider and agree the proposed budget for the 2025-26 Financial Year.

b)       To approve the 2025-26 precept as resulting from the approved budget.

c)       To approve the following payments:

Date   Item   NO     Receipt         Payment

17-Oct-24     LCC mowing 21      1457.08         

          Nat West deposit interest                     

9-Dec-24      Amazon - stationary 22                25.59

10-Dec-24    CHT defib pads       23                76.74

17-Dec-24    Volunteer expenses 24                157.47

17-Dec-24    Clerk salary and expenses  25                   337.50

28 Jan 25     Clerk salary and WFHA      26                   195.30

28 Feb 25     Clerk Salary and WFHA      27                   195.30

d)       To consider amending the bank mandates Nat West Bank and Melton Mowbray Building Society removing previous staff  and council members and adding new members of staff and any additional signatories and o add the new clerk as an administrator for internet banking.

e)       To receive the receipts and payments over budget report to 31 December 2024.

f)       To note the internal audit and publication requirements for local councils under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.

g)       To appoint the council’s internal auditor.

25-8  To consider two applications for funding from the Copley Community Benefit Fund.

  1. Installation of mains water supply to Westborough churchyard
  2. Repairs to Westborough village hall roof and wall to resolve damp problem

25-9   To agree the meeting schedule for 2025/26

25-10   To consider Flooding in Westborough and any action that may be taken.

25-11 To consider planning applications for comment.

There were none.

25-12 To note planning decisions made since the last meeting.

There were none.

25-13 To consider how to deal with a mole problem on the Westborough village green and allocate relevant funds from the contribution from the cleaning and maintenance fund.

25-14 To consider joining the LALC Annual Training Scheme at £110 per year.

25-15 To consider a council response to the NHT Surveys.

25-16 To receive the County and District Councillor’s reports

25-17 To receive and note the Clerk’s report.

25-18 To adjourn the meeting to allow for comments/observations by members of the public at the discretion of the chair.

25-19 Items for notification to be included in a future agenda. For information only.

25-20 To note the date and time of the next Full Council meeting.