March 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 7 March 2024 held at Westborough Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Present           Cllrs A Durham (Chair),  J Ford, J Forman, District Cllr P Wood, the clerk W McCallin and 2 members of the public. 

15/24   Public Forum   Comments were received on the outline planning application on land opposite The Wheatsheaf.

16/24   Apologies were received from Cllrs V Birnage, B Lett, T Arnold, and County Cllr A Maughan

17/24   Minutes of the meeting on 4 January were confirmed by council and signed by the Chair.

18/24   Flooding in Westborough in October
a)  Morgan Wray, Environment Agency will attend a meeting at Westborough Village Hall on Wednesday 13 March at 5.30pm to discuss flooding in the village and future prevention measures.
b) Section 19 flood investigations are ongoing. The raising the footbridge at Westborough has an estimated cost of £40,000.

19/24   Planning
a) a report on the pre planning consultation re Manor Farm, Dry Doddington was given. Cllrs welcomed the mix of dwellings but are concerned about the safety of the single carriageway, Manor House lane, for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles
b) The appeal by The Wheatsheaf against being an Asset of Community Value has been upheld.

20/24   Parish Mowing

            Council resolved to accept the quote from SKDC for 7 cuts per year at £56.38 per cut.

21/24   Highways

  1. All involved with the annual litter pick on 25 February were thanked.
  2. Council resolved to remove the tree stump on Dry Doddington village green in summer and get quotes for a stump grinder.

22/24   Dry Doddington Village Green and St James Church works
Council resolved that St James church, Dry Doddington can carry out works on the Village Green to aid drainage, church repair and maintenance, at any time.

23/24   D-Day commemoration  

On Thursday 6 June at 12.45pm, the BBMF Lancaster bomber will be doing a flypast at Westborough over the memorial on the Back Lane crash site. Council agreed to fund if required.

24/24   Finance

a)   Council resolved a £100 increase for clerk’s salary for 2024-25 to £1350 p.a.
b)   payments were approved for  Village Halls’ room hire; Westborough £50, Dry Doddington £100, LALC subscription for £154.94, clerk half yearly payment and expenses £639.71, Dry Doddington mowing expenses £7.32.
Payment received from Copley solar for £13,378.56, National Grid wayleave £10.33.
c) Council agreed to transfer funds to deposit bank account with interest rate of 1.46%.

25/24   Future Meeting dates   were confirmed as:
9 May - Westborough                                9 January 2025 – Dry Doddington
4 July – Dry Doddington                                6 March 2025 - Westborough
10 October - Westborough

26/24   Annual Village Meetings

 Westborough – before the Village Hall AGM on 4 June
Dry Doddington – before the Parish Council meeting on 4 July

27/24   District Councillors report -  District Cllr Wood reported on SKDC budget, Local Plan consultation and Traveller sites in Long Bennington and Foston.

28/24   Clerk’s report   
a) Trustees for Poor’s land charity and a Parish Councillor are still to be appointed.  

29/24   Date of next meeting confirmed as – Thursday 9 May 2024, 7.30pm, Westborough Village Hall.             The meeting closed at 8.20 pm


SIGNED                                                         DATE