Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood watch logo

Details of your local schemes

“Crime cannot flourish in a Community that cares”


Useful Telephone Numbers

For Lincolnshire Police:

Emergencies : 999  (Threat to life, crime in progress or suspicious person)                  

All Non Emergency calls : 101 (Non-urgent, Anything not happening now)

Always ask for LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE so that the call goes direct to the control room in Lincoln Police HQ

Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators

Dry Doddington: Mike Hine - 01400 282690

Reporting crime anonymously

Anyone wishing to report crime anonymously can call 

Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

If you see anything suspicious

If you see or hear anything suspicious please telephone immediately. Your's may be a vital piece in a “jigsaw” picture they are building of some crime or criminal.

If you dial 999 and are in Lincolnshire always make sure you are connected to Lincolnshire Police otherwise if you give a NG post code you may be connected to Nottinghamshire Police who will not respond to an incident in Lincolnshire.


Neighbourhood Policing Team 

Your Neighbourhood Watch coordinators have developed a good working relationship with the local Policing Team for the Grantham North Rural Area, particularly with PC Mark Barr.

The latest police information and advice can be found on the Lincolnshire Police web page which is constantly updated and a link can be found here.


Police Communications

Anyone interested in receiving Police crime messages and advice, information can be found on the Lincolnshire Police websiteFacebook page or on the Nextdoor website.

Any residents who do not know their Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator or have items they feel need to be addressed should contact Mike Hine whose details can be found on our contact us page. If any local residents would like messages forwarded to them, please contact Mike to discuss. 


A few thoughts for any Month

Never let anyone into your home unless you know who they are and that they can be trusted. If in doubt keep them out. Always check the identity of anyone claiming to be from a utility company.

Criminals are very good at using modern technology to deceive us.      

"SCAMS come in many forms and scammers are professional criminals who are good at what they do"
Always be alert to the possibility that a letter, phone call or email from a stranger could be the start of a scam.
Never ever give personal financial information to anyone you do not know, even if they claim to be from your bank or the police. If in doubt put the phone down. If it's a genuine call they will contact you again in some other way. Never click on a link in an unsolicited email.

"Let them think you are at home"  Burglars always prefer unoccupied properties so always try to make it look as if someone is in by leaving lights/radio/TV on time switches.

Always remember -- If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.