March 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting on Thursday 5 March 2020 at Westborough Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Present Cllrs A Maniurka (Chairman), J Forman, B Lett, D Loynes, H Martell, the clerk W McCallin, District Cllr P Wood, County Cllr A Maughan and 4 members of the public.

Public Forum The pruning of the trees around Dry Doddington Village hall was discussed.

14/20 Apologies were received from Cllrs A Durham and T Arnold

15/20 Minutes of the meeting on 9 January were confirmed by council and signed by the Chairman.

16/20 Flooding in the Parish
a) In the recent unprecedented heavy rainfall, Lodge Farm, Dry Doddington was flooded for the

first time. LCC Section 19 had been completed by the residents of the flooded house and no further

action was necessary. Westborough residents benefitted from recent work to internal dykes in 2019

and no properties were flooded.


17/20 Parish Mowing

a) Council unanimously approved to accept the quote from Glendale for fortnightly mowing around

Dry Doddington Green and Village hall.


18/20 Finance

a) Council approved payment for £104.40 to Community Heartbeat Trust for replacement

defibrillator pads in Dry Doddington; £141 to LALC for annual subscription; £40 payment to each

Village hall (2 meetings); LIVES £150; Clerk half yearly payment of £550, including expenses;

Community Heartbeat Trust for £2120 (estimated) for Westborough defibrillator

Payment of £577.13 received from LCC for 2019 mowing


19/20 Future Meeting Dates

a) Annual Village Meeting Dates will be arranged by respective Cllrs

b) Future Meeting Dates were agreed as:

21 May – Westborough 9 July - Dry Doddington

8 October - Westborough 7 January 2021 – Dry Doddington

4 March 2021 – Westborough


20/20 Highways and Trees

a) The Oak and Willow Trees by Dry Doddington Village Hall have been pruned by LCC


b) All 25 residents were thanked for taking part in the litter pick. Jane Ford and Cllr Maniurka were

thanked for organising.

b) Cllrs approved the purchase of ‘dog poo’ bags as the problem is getting worse in Doddington.

21/20 VE Celebration Day – May 2020 A joint meeting to organise will be held on 8 March.


22/20 Community Benefit Fund

a) The defibrillator for Westborough is being ordered. Ken and Heather Renshaw were thanked for

co-ordinating the installation. Free training will be organised in due course.

b) New quotes are being obtained for Dry Doddington church floor.


23/20 District and County Cllrs reports

Cllr Alex Maughan outlined LCC staff appointments and changes to local highways teams.

Cllr Paul Wood commented on the council’s new CEO and next year’s allowance as a Cllr.


24/20 Clerks report / Matters arising

a) The Community Speedwatch team went out on 3 recent occasions. 14 vehicles were speeding

between 36-44 mph and will receive a letter from the Police. New team members are invited.

b) The Police Commissioner will be at the rural panel meeting at Dry Doddington on 28 March.

c) the planting license has been granted for outside the Village Hall

d) an application for Coach Road bridleway to be open to all traffic has been received from LCC.


25/20 Matters for urgent discussion

a) Cllr Loynes was thanked by all present for his 12 years’ service on the council, including his role

as Chairman and Chairman of the Community Benefit Fund.

b) Council will ask SKDC if planning permission is needed for premises to host events and

entertainment in the village.


26/20 Date of next meeting confirmed as – Thursday 21st May at Westborough at 7.30 pm


27/20 Council resolved to go into closed session due to confidential nature of business


28/20 Council resolved to defer the decision to co-opt a councillor until the views of the absent cllrs were known.


The meeting closed at 9.15 pm