May 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 9 May 2019 at Dry Doddington Village Hall at 8.00 pm

Present Cllrs A Durham (Chairman), D Loynes, A Maniurka, the clerk W McCallin, District Cllr P Wood and 9 members of the public.

20/19 Election of Officers Cllr A Durham was elected unanimously as Chairman and Cllr A Maniurka as Vice Chairman.

Public Forum Items raised included: request for CBF funding from Dry Doddington Village Hall, the mown footpath on the verge from Dry Doddington to Westborough, potholes.

Apologies were received from County Cllr A Maughan

21/19 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests – None

22/19 Minutes of the meeting on 7 March were confirmed by council and signed by the Chairman.

23/19 Insurance Council reviewed and approved the existing insurance in year 3 of a 5-year contract.

24/19 Finance
a) Council received internal auditors report and reviewed internal audit controls with no changes. Council unanimously approved the 2018-19 accounts.

b) Annual Audit for 2018-19. Council resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

c) Council resolved to approve and sign the Accounting Statements.

d) Council approved payments to Zurich insurance of £167.67, Dry Doddington Village hall for hall hire of £30, volunteer expenses for petrol and post £15.43, H Martell for Dry Doddington entrance works for £300, LALC training course fee of £12.50, hire of flail mower from LMS for £102, Fitzpatrick Woolmer for information board deposit (50%) for £937.20, (already paid). Receipt of £426.92 Community cleaner grant and Precept of £2300

25/19 Dry Doddington Village Poor Charity Trust Mike Hine, one of the managing trustees reported that £75 has been collected from J Nullis and distributed to 2 residents.

26/19 Annual Village meetings Council agreed to change the format of the Dry Doddington village meeting to become more of a social get together. The proposal for one in September was unanimously supported.

27/19 Community Benefit Fund (CBF) Council resolved to walk round locations in Dry Doddington to find the most suitable place for the information board. Westborough village hall kitchen is likely to be completed by summer, including electric works for defibrillator. Works on the Dry Doddington Village green kerbing is to be done this summer/autumn and Dry Doddington church floor to be done in Autumn. A request for funding for Dry Doddington village hall for a new kitchen (£6981 + VAT) was noted, with agreement that all funding avenues be explored to facilitate.

28/19 District Cllrs report Cllr Paul Wood was congratulated on being elected with such a large majority, along with his wife Jane, as independents for the Viking ward. The political balance of SKDC and an update on the SKDC local plan was given.

County Cllrs report from Cllr Alex Maughan was circulated. The council gave wholehearted support to have the bus routes gritted in winter.

29/19 Date of next meeting confirmed as – Thursday 11 July 2019 at Westborough at 7.30 pm 30/19 Closed Session Council unanimously resolved to go into closed session with members of the public excluded due to confidential nature of business

31/19 Co-option of Parish Cllrs Following the uncontested parish council election there remain four vacancies on the council. After lengthy discussion, council voted unanimously to co-opt Tom Arnold, John Forman, Rebecca Lett, Helen Martell. Retiring councillors and other residents who put their names forward will be thanked.

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm