July 2019 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting on Thursday 2019 at Dry Doddington Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Present Cllrs A Durham (Chairman), T Arnold, J Forman, B Lett, D Loynes, A Maniurka, H Martell, the clerk W McCallin, County Cllr A Maughan and 6 members of the public.
Public Forum Items raised included: CBF funding from Dry Doddington Village Hall, Lincs Police re-organisation, highways problems, a request for pruning of the Dry Doddington Oak tree.
Chairman’s Welcome The Chairman welcomed the three new Parish Councillors and thanked the three retiring Cllrs. In particular, Cllr V Kerr was thanked for his unrivalled 63 years’ service to the Parish Meeting and then the Parish Council.
32/19 Apologies were received from District Cllr P Wood
33/19 Minutes of the meeting on 9 May were confirmed by council and signed by the Chairman.
34/19 Council reviewed and approved Standing Orders, Financial regulations, Asset register and Risk assessment.
35/19 Review of format of Parish Council meetings
a) Council resolved to have 5 meetings a year. Future dates agreed as 10 October; 9 January 2020; 5 March 2020; 7 May 2020 in alternate villages.
b) Council agreed keep public forums in the current position but make the agenda wording clearer; that the first forum is for comments on agenda items and the second forum is for comments on any matter.
c) the position of the County councillors report will be flexible depending on other commitments.
36/19 Finance
a) Council approved payment to Dry Doddington Village hall for hall hire of £10, LALC training and publications of £74.00, Fitzpatrick Woolmer for information board balance (50%) for £937.20, SKDC recharge of election costs. Payments already made to Howsafe for high vis vests of £39.60, Newark Interiors for kitchen for £2869.40,
b) Council reviewed signatories and will add the Clerk as a signatory for the Skipton account
37/19 Community Benefit Fund (CBF)
a) Council resolved to continue to administer the CBF working party and encourage more to attend.
b) Council received the report from working party meeting of 10 June
c) Council resolved to treat the contribution required from groups on an individual basis.
d) Council approved the purchase of Dry Doddington Village hall kitchen for £6981.50 + VAT
e) Council resolved a 5% contribution from Dry Doddington Village hall towards the kitchen
f) Council agreed to discuss at a future CBF meeting whether a set amount of each annual payment to be earmarked for future major projects as well as how any CBF reserve fund is be invested.
g) Council resolved to accept a loan from D.D. Village Hall if required, for earlier kitchen purchase.
38/19 Location for the Dry Doddington information Council agreed for interested parties to meet at The Wheatsheaf on 15 July at 7 pm to decide.
39/19 Community Cleaner Grant Council approved a budget of £100 for planting around D.D. Village Hall by the hall committee
40/19 Walkabout with LCC Area Surveyor Cllr Maughan will liaise with the clerk to agree a suitable date for all parties.
41/19 County Cllrs report from Cllr Alex Maughan included gritting of school bus routes; planning for 78 homes at Claypole; LCC Childrens’ Services rated outstanding by OFSTED; Keep Red Arrows in Lincs campaign and the A1 safety audit.
42/19 Public Forum Items raised including the success of the new Westborough Village hall kitchen
43/19 Matters for Urgent discussion
a) Agreed to invited Jane Frogatt, UWIDB to the next meeting
b) The Speed Indicator device in Westborough recorded 35,106 vehicles in 3 months
c) The Community Speedwatch group recorded two motorists exceeding 36mph. They will receive letters from the Police.
d) SKDC will be thanked for tidying the edges of the tarmac paths in Westborough.
44/19 Date of next meeting confirmed as – Thursday 10 October 2019 at Westborough at 7.30 pm
The meeting closed at 9.00 pm