January and February 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting on Thursday 9 January 2020 at Westborough Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Public Forum No items raised

Present Cllrs A Durham (Chairman), J Forman, B Lett, D Loynes, A Maniurka, H Martell, the clerk W McCallin, District Cllr P Wood, County Cllr A Maughan and 6 members of the public.

Apologies were received from Cllr T Arnold

Minutes of the meeting on 10 October were confirmed by council and signed by the Chairman.

a) Cllrs unanimously approved the plan for a small hedge and a flower circle outside Dry Doddington Village Hall and will seek approval from LCC Highways.

b) Litter pick dates were agreed as Sunday 16 February with a reserve date as 1 March

VE Celebration Day – May 2020 Cllrs unanimously agreed to support VE day celebrations and contribute £430 financial support as required.

Parish Mowing
a) Council unanimously approved to accept the LCC 2020 mowing scheme payment for 3 cuts for the sum of £595.

b) Council agreed to obtain quotes for mowing around Dry Doddington Green and Village hall.

a) Council approved payment to Dry Doddington Village hall for £100 for bulbs, mowing expenses of £30 to one volunteer, planting expenses of £38 to one volunteer, LALC training course £15. Community Benefit (CBF) payment of £13,378 has been received.

b) Council resolved to approve the 2019-20 budget

c) Council resolved the precept remain at £2300.

Community Benefit Fund
a) Council approved defibrillator project for Westborough, outside the Village Hall.

b) Current projects are Westborough defibrillator and Dry Doddington church floor.

District Council priorities Cllrs commented on District Cllr P Wood’s suggested priorities. 

District and County Cllrs reports Cllr Alex Maughan outlined LCC budget, A1 safety improvement, and the new CEO at LCC. Cllr Paul Wood commented on the council’s new CEO and Long Bennington surgery changes.

Resignation of Cllr Cllr Loynes will resign after the March meeting. Cllrs agreed the co-option timetable.

Westborough Flood Alleviation Jane Frogatt, CEO Witham and Humber Drainage Board has informed the council that the Western side of the Westborough Flood Alleviation scheme will not take place as the landowner will not consent to any of their proposed options.

Public Forum Items raised included mowing around Westborough bus shelter, waste recycling, distribution of LCC County News, the completion of door replacement in Dry Doddington village hall.

Date of next meeting confirmed as – Thursday 5 March at Dry Doddington at 7.30 pm The meeting closed at 8.55 pm


- ends -


Minutes of Meeting on Tuesday 16 February 2021  held remotely using video technology at 7.00 pm

Present           Cllrs A Durham (Chairman), T Arnold, J Forman, B Lett, S Faber, H Martell, the clerk W McCallin, District Cllr P Wood, and 2 members of the public.

11/21   Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Maniurka, County Cllr A Maughan

12/21   Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in accordance with Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.  None declared.

13/21   Community benefit fund (CBF)
a)   Council unanimously approved the request from Dry Doddington Village hall for funding towards insulation and plastering of the village hall, cost £5,000 + VAT (prev circulated).
Funds will be transferred from the deposit account.
b) An update on the CBF from Bypass Solar, Foston was given by District Cllr P Wood.

The date of the next meeting was changed and confirmed as Thursday 25 March at 7.30pm

             The meeting closed at 7.15 pm

SIGNED                                                         DATE