March 2022 Minutes

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 10 March 2022   held at Dry Doddington Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Present           Cllrs A Durham (Chair), T Arnold, B Lett, J Forman, H Martell, S Woodward. District Cllr P Wood, the clerk W McCallin and five members of the public. 

Public Forum    Comments about future CBF grant funding for Dry Doddington church floor were noted.

15/22   Apologies were received from Cllr County Cllr A Maughan.  

16/22   Minutes of the meeting on 13 January 2022 were confirmed by council and signed by the Chair.

17/22   Community Benefit Fund (CBF)   Council approved the following budgets and projects:
a)   Westborough Church Path, including water pipe ducting, budget of £2000 + VAT
b)   Westborough tree seat around oak tree, budget £1700 + VAT, plus groundworks as required
c)   Dry Doddington Christmas lights for trees, budget £700
d)  Dry Doddington outdoor Christmas tree, budget £60
e)   Dry Doddington Village Hall electrical regulations work, £1685 + VAT (joint project, 50:50), subject to query of the distribution board

18/22   Highways, Bridleways, Footpaths and Trees
a) Council approved quote of £480 to removed dead wood from Westborough Oak Tree.

b)  All involved with the litter pick on 27th February were thanked for a successful event.
c) Council resolved to approve the annual mowing contract for Dry Doddington Green with EnvironSK.

19/22   Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

 Each village will hold its own commemoration and ideas for location for Jubilee tree(s) will be sought via the newsletter.

20/22   Finance
a)  Council approved payment  for LALC subscription for £143.48, Dry Doddington Village hall for  £75, Westborough village hall for £30, One Electrical contractor for CCTV camera £150 + VAT, Clerk half yearly payment, salary and expenses £575, Dry Doddington Green expenses £19.95, mowing costs of £733 p.a. (£48.88 per fortnight), Dry Doddington defibrillator battery and pads £295.20.

21/22   Future Meeting Dates were agreed as:

5  May – Westborough                             7 July  - Dry Doddington
6 October – Westborough                         12 January – Dry Doddington
9 March 2023 – Westborough

22/22   District Councillor’s report was given by Cllr Paul Wood on the SKDC budget and positive changes made by the Chief Executive, Karen Bradford.

23/22   Clerk’s report / Matters arising The Quinquennial Inspection Report for St James’ Church, Dry Doddington was produced in December 2021 and is being considered for future grant funding.

24/22   Date of next meeting confirmed as – Thursday 3rd May, 7.30pm at Westborough Village Hall.

25/22   Council resolved to go into closed session

26/22   Council resolved to co-opt Vickie Burnage onto the council.

The meeting closed at 8.25 pm


SIGNED                                                         DATE